Staff, pupils and parents at Thomas Deacon Academy are celebrating today after Ofsted judged the academy to be ‘Good’ in all areas following a full inspection earlier this term.
The academy, which is part of Thomas Deacon Education Trust and teaches more than 2,300 pupils between the ages of 7 and 19 years, became one of the first to be inspected under the new Ofsted framework which came into effect in September.
The report said:
- “Leaders are dedicated to providing all pupils with the best quality of education and care.”
- “Leaders have high ambitions for what pupils can achieve.”
- “Pupils’ work is of a good and improving quality.”
- “Inspectors saw pupils behaving well and working hard in their lessons and around the buildings in the junior and senior schools.”
- “Many [pupils] told us how much they value the care and attention of the adults who work with them.”
- “Staff look after pupils well and provide impressive opportunities for personal development.”
- “Leaders give safeguarding the highest priority.”
- “Pupils told inspectors that they are happy and feel safe.”
The sixth form was also judged to be ‘Good’, a further improvement on the previous report. Inspectors commented:
- “Students are doing well in the sixth form. Teachers have detailed subject knowledge and make good use of it.
- “Students told inspectors that they get useful advice to help them to make the right choices about their future.”
Inspectors also praised a number of initiatives that have been introduced to drive standards:
- “In the junior school, pupils who find reading tough get expert help so that they can catch up. This support continues for as long as pupils need it.”
- “Pupils can take part in many extra-curricular activities. For example, pupils are proud to be members of the school’s large Combined Cadet Force (CCF).”
Thomas Deacon Education Trust were also praised for the support and challenge they provide the school with to ensure the best quality of education is provided for all pupils.
The report continued:
- “The Thomas Deacon Education Trust supports and challenges governors well. The trust also providers leaders with expert help to develop their subjects when it is needed.”
Rick Carroll, Principal of Thomas Deacon Academy, said: “We are delighted with the comments from the inspectors which reflects the hard work of everyone in the academy’s community, including the pupils, parents, members of staff and the Trust.
“The academy’s leaders, throughout the junior and senior buildings and the sixth form, have the highest aspirations for all the pupils that join us. We will continue to work hard to make sure our students leave the academy with the academic results, but also as well-rounded individuals that will enable them to thrive in the modern world.
“I’d like to thank everyone for the support they have shown the academy in helping us achieve this fantastic report.”
Julie Taylor, Chief Executive Officer of Thomas Deacon Education Trust, said: “I would like to congratulate everyone at Thomas Deacon Academy for achieving this excellent report. The inspectors’ comments mirror our own view of the impressive work that is taking place at the school.
“As a Trust we work as a close partnership of schools to provide the very best education and opportunities for every child and share this best practice with each other.”
The two-day inspection was one of the first to be completed under the new Ofsted framework that was introduced in September 2019. It assessed the academy’s performance in five key areas – the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and the sixth form provision. All areas were judged to be ‘Good’.